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Novell Sunless Spray Tan Treatments

Level 1 - $35

Hawaiian Island Tropical Spa uses Norvell Venetian, their best-selling proprietary sunless formula created with VIO-7, a unique blend of anti-orange bronzer pigments, designed to counter an unwanted orange undertone for a natural-looking tan. Color develops full in 12 to 24 hours and is suitable for all skin types. 

Level 2 - $40

Designed to match skin colors found on the beautiful beaches of the European Riviera, Norvell Venetian Plus is their best-selling, proprietary sunless formula created with VIO-7, an unique blend of anti-orange bronzer pigments, designed to counter an unwanted orange undertone for a natural looking tan. It develops fully in 12 to 24 hours and is suitable for skin types II to IV. 

Level 3 - $50

Norvell Black Out is designed for body builders and anyone who wants to accentuate specific areas of the body 

One Hour Rapid Tan $45

Rapid One development sunless solution by Norvell utilizes a proprietary amino acid system. Introduced specifically for clients who can't wait the usual 8 to 12 hours for their post session warm water rinse. Develops in as little as 1 our but can go up to 3 hours. Suitable for all skin types. 

Ear Candling Treatments


Ear candles create gentile suction action. The movement of the flame causes a vibration of air in the ear canal, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. These actions assist in the removal of built-up ear wax. 

Ear candles create a pleasant feeling of warmth and balances pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses.
Ear candling in an ancient therapy used to assist in relief of symptoms of: 

-- Nervous tension, stress, irritability, anxiety and depression. 

-- Safe removal of excess wax buildup

-- Sinusitis or rhinitis

-- Allergies

Swimmers ear

-- Ear aches, infections or ear related headaches

-- Much more. 

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